Server Crash

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Server Crash

Post by Resolve »

I think the server crashed. I believe its better if we go back to the old host given this. /!

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Re: Server Crash

Post by Panic »

I know some of you GMs don't care about the population. Although, whichever host was more stable before this one, we should revert back to. The server is less than 2 weeks old, crashes like this can be detrimental to a young server's community base. Or how about we speed up that 30-Day process in finding a new host, to like a 7-day one.
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Re: Server Crash

Post by Koma »

From most hosts these days:
Like everyone else offering dedicated servers these days we no longer offer money back for the first month on dedicated servers due to abuse of the policy.

Thank you and have a nice day.
Servers are paid on a month-to-month basis with no 30-day money back guarantee within this world economy. The reason why things were so rushed on Friday was due to this fact. So when you shell out the cash to change servers, you're in it for the 30 days no ifs, ands, or buts -- this is why we say we can only make a change every 30 days.

And we do care about the population, just please try to be rational and understand our perspective as well. There's a reason why this move took place to begin with -- we even paid a $20 premium over the old server for this in hopes of settling the lag issue for our players once and for all.

EDIT: This has been fully resolved: viewtopic.php?f=56&p=699#p699" TARGET="_blank