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Post by 773H »

YO! i was fooling round whit different cards in me weapon just to see the effects which had the best dmg and so and i noticed you dont have a decarder but a custom npc that delete the cards completely (fo free dats guud)
but what if i want to keap my cards ? /dum
i remember all servers iw playd on theres ben this npc u pay a neat sum of zeny to and she attempts to remove ur cards but theres a small chance of failure and card AND armor can brake.
i was pondering if its possible to either take back that npc and make it like 5m for a decard (price is just an example) /$
and u get both card and your weapon back safely
OR make so u can chose what u want to delete save all cards and delete weapon or save weapon and delete card
(or make so if u have multiple cards u save 1 card out of 4 and delete the rest + the weapon)
/// DE mysterious man ///
(suprise!!!!)*(>^^(>O_O)> *(i think i just did in me pants...)
(.....)*(>o_o(>O_O)> *(.....)
(FAJABAAAALL!!!)*(~ò.ó)~ ===============<O <(._.<) *(sigh nubbs nevah learn....)
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Re: Decarder?~

Post by Kiana »

We have the test server (Wool) available for players to test cards, damage, and builds on.